3ONE8 Internship Programme
Training for the Kingdom, not just our church.
An internship at Riverside Community Church is an opportunity where a person who desires to experience full time ministry will be exposed to the practical side of full time ministry as well as exposure to the heart and theology of Kingdom work. An intern will receive hands-on ministry experience and an opportunity to maximize their leadership potential. The intern will receive personal development, as well as have opportunities to witness lives being transformed through the power of the Gospel. This internship program is designed to give participants ministry experience, as well as a glimpse into the life of someone in full time ministry.

The Name – 318 (3ONE8)
The name for our Internship Programme is based on 2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (NIV)
3ONE8 is a formal, structured Internship Program
1. Formal
The programme will commence in the first week of January 2018 and end at the end of the second week in December. A work week will be Tuesday – Sunday weekly, and will include evening ministry requirements and then any additional time required for studying.
2. Structured
This will be a structured programme which will include formal studies as well as practical exposure.
An Intern will complete the Higher Certificate in Christian Life through SATS by completing the following ten subjects:
- THE1120 Introduction to Theology
- BIB1123 The Words and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ
- BIB1121 Essential Bible Study Principles
- THE1121 Christian Foundations
- THE1122 Biblical Worldview
- CYM2127 Walking with Wounded Children
- PRA1124 Biblical Leadership 1
- PRA1122 Introduction to Youth and Children’s Ministry
- BIB1124 Old Testament Survey
- THE1123 The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
We will supplement this with a prescribed reading list and our own workshops followed by formal assessments.
Along with their required studies they will have practical ministry requirements which include some of the following:
- Attending a weekly small group
- Schools ministry
- One-on-one mentoring meetings (where they mentor young people)
- Youth camps
- Sunday services (Main service and Kids Church)
On completion of a year with 3ONE8 a person will have received the following:
- Higher Certificate in Christian Living from SATS
- Ministry exposure
- Practical ministry training
- Operating ministry expenses covered
- Monthly stipend – personal use (outside of ministry)
Click here to download application form
For more information contact Jodi
Any persons interested will have to complete and hand in an official application form before the set due date. Once the due date has arrived we will then schedule a formal interview. Based on the application form and the interview process will a candidate be accepted or not.