One of the greatest ways that the Christian life is experienced is in LifeGroups. Sundays are incredible moments for us to gather as the visible expression of Christ’s body, to celebrate in worship, to partake in communion and baptism and allow God’s word to lead us and speak to us powerfully as a church. But throughout the Scriptures we see that so much of the Christian life is experienced in homes and around tables as we do life together.


At Riverside, we call these smaller groups ‘LifeGroups’ because they are truly one of the most powerful vehicles for growing in the life of Christ. For this reason, we developed the LIFE acronym to illustrate our key goals for the LifeGroup ministry of Riverside Community Church.


              • Loving acceptance

              • Increasing maturity

              • Fulness of community

              • Equipped and Empowered for mission


Loving acceptance: LifeGroups are a place where we can live out the command to “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you” (Rom 15:7). Everyone is invited to our LifeGroups. There is no standard that has to be reached before you qualify. Even if you are still figuring out your faith journey with Christ, LifeGroups are the place where you will be accepted as you are because this is how Christ accepts every one of us.

Increasing maturity: The Good News of the Gospel is that Christ accepts us as we are, but he desires so much more for us. He desires that we grow and mature in our knowledge of him as our lives become “conformed to the likeness of his Son” (Rom 8:29). LifeGroups are a space for you to take your first steps of faith, to learn to walk, and grow in understanding, influence, maturity and gifting. There is no limit to our growth, which means that we are all committed to continue to grow together in all areas of our lives. 

Fulness of community: At Riverside we don’t want to settle for a superficial experience of cordial community. The Christian life becomes way more meaningful, impactful (and admittedly messy) when we push into deeper Christ-centred relationships. This is why LifeGroups become one of the best ways to live out the numerous ‘one another’ commands in Scripture: “Bear with one another” (Eph 4:2), “Build each other up” (1 Thess 5:11), “Honour one another” (Rom 12:10), “Love one another” (John 13:34), “Offer hospitality to one another” (1 Peter 4:9), and so the list goes on. I’m sure you’re beginning to get the picture. As we live these out, community becomes richer and fuller and is more powerful and compelling to the world around us.

Equipped and Empowered for mission: The Christian life doesn’t stop at us having a wonderful time together as a church family. Our lives are meant to count as we use our influence and opportunities to make an impact for Christ in the lives of others. Church in general and LifeGroups in specific become places where we “spur one another on towards love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). As we grow in maturity and fullness of community, our lives find greater purpose as we participate in the mission of God.  

Life Group

Here is a list of our current Life Groups
Life Groups
Whether you’re leading a LifeGroup or being developed to lead a LifeGroup, this LifeGroup Leader Training Course will equip you with the tools to lead effectively.