

At Riverside Community Church, women are invited through a variety of events and relationships to grow in their journey as a disciple of Christ. Our meetings are designed to help build strong community as we pursue a full devotion to Christ.  All our events or meetings are in line with the journey that we feel the Lord is taking the church on, so as a result, they vary.

Regular Meetings / Activities 

Life Groups: there are some life groups specifically for women, we are always looking for more women to lead and host these. Please contact Bianca  should you wish to lead a life group. (Click here for the link to the small groups page)

Mentoring/Discipling: There is a growing community of women who are mentoring and being mentored by other women, if you would like to connect with a mentor(discipler)/mentee(disciple) please contact Bianca 

Online support: there is a what’sapp group for mom’s of babies and toddlers, this is a chat group where moms are free to ask for advice, support and arrange group playdates.  We would welcome anyone who would like to run a small group or a regular social/activity group.  If you are interested please contact Jodi