Introduction to Spirit Equip
This series promises to help us walk more closely with the presence of God, and work more closely with the power of God in all aspects of our lives as we
Welcome to Spirit Equip! This series promises to help us walk more closely with the presence of God, and work more closely with the power of God in all aspects of our lives as we seek to follow Jesus.
This series promises to help us walk more closely with the presence of God, and work more closely with the power of God in all aspects of our lives as we
In this session we will looking at how Jesus spoke about the coming Holy Spirit and generating a sense of eagerness for the Spirit. Watch the following video in preparation
This week we look at how the divinity of the Holy Spirit is deeply rooted in the stories of God’s Power and Presence in the people of Israel. Watch the
This week we will be looking at how Jesus understood the Spirit in terms of the rich, theological heritage of the Prophets who came hundreds of years before Jesus. Watch
Now that we are eager and thirsty, this week we will be looking at how the Scriptures speak about receiving the Holy Spirit over the next few weeks. Watch the
Having looked at some of Paul’s teachings in the previous video, this week we are going to look at how the early believers experienced the receiving of the Holy Spirit